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October 07, 2008

Daftar Nama Nama Latin Botani / Tumbuhan / Pohon Khas Indonesia

Kumpulan / Daftar Lengkap Nama Latin Tumbuhan / Botani / Flora Khas Indonesia

A re' = Vigna dalzelliana

Acerola' = Malpighia glabra

Adas anis = Clausena anisum-olens merr

Adas = Foeniculum vulgare mill

Adem ati = Litsea chinensis lamk

Adzuki bean' = Vigna angularis

Air mancur = Jacobinia carnea (lindl.)Nichols

Akalifa = Acalypha wilkesiana muell.arc

Akasia = Acacia sieberiana dc

Alamanda = Allamanda cathartica L.

Alang-alang = Imperata cylindrica beauv

Alfalfa, lucerne = Medicago sativa

Ambre = Geranium radula cavan

Amis-amisan = Houttuynia cordata thunb

Andong = Cordyline fruticosa (l.)A.chev.

Anggrek bongko = Pholidota chinensis lindl

Anggrek kupu = Arundina chinensis bl

Anggrek tanah = Spathoglottis plicata bl

Anggrek tanah = Phaius tankerviluae (

Anggrung = Trema orientalis bl

Anggur laut = Coccoloba uvifera L.

Anggur = Vitis vinifera L.

Angsana = Pterocarpus indica willd

Anuma = Artemisia annua L.

Anyang-anyang = Elaeocarpus grandiflora j.e.smith

Anyelir = Dianthus superbus L.

Apa-apa = Flemingia macrophylla

Apel = Malus domestica

Apel ijo = Chrysophyllum cainito L.

Apel jepang = Pyrus pyrifolia

Apel = Pyrus malus L.

Apokad = Persea americana

Apokad = Persea gratissima gaertn

Arbei = Fragaria vesca L.

Arben hutan = Rubus reflexus ker

Arben = Fragaria x ananassa

Arbenan = Duchesnea indica (andr.focke

Aren, enau = Arenga pinnata (Wurmb.Merr.

Asalea = Rhododendron simsii planch

Asam gelugur, mundu, asam kandis = Garcinia

Asam jawa = Tamarindus indica L.

Asam kranji = Diallum indum L.

Asam-asaman = Desmanthus virgatus

Asem landa = Pithecollobium dulce (roxb.benth

Aseman = Polygonum chinense L.

Asparagus = Asparagus cochinchinensis (lour.merr

Asparagus = Asparagus officinalis L.

Awar-awar = Ficus septica burm.f

Axillaris = Macrotyloma axillare

Babandotan = Ageratum conyzoides L.

Bacang, asem paying = Mangifera foetida, M. pajang

Bakung = Crinum asiaticum L.

Bakungan = Hymenocallis litthoralis (jacq.salisb

Baligo = Benincasa hispida cogn

Bam ban = Donax cannaeformis (g.forst.k.schum

Bambu apus = Gigantolochloa apus kurz

Bambu kuning = Bambusa vuL.garis schrad

Bangkuwang = Pachyrrhizus erosus urb

Banyonan tembaga = Microstegium ciliatum

Baret = Mimosa invisa mar

Bariuan' = Grewia asiatica

Baru cina = Artemisia vuLgaris L

Bawang daun = Allium fistulosum L.

Bawang merah = Allium cepa L.

Bawang prey = Allium porrum bl

Bawang putih = Allium sativum L.

Bawang sabrang = Eleutherine americana merr

Bawang sebrang = Zephyranthes candida herb

Bayam dempo. = Althernanthera philoxeroides (mart.griseb

Bayam lemah = Amaranthus blitum miq

Bayam merah = Alternanthera amoena voss

Bayam ungu, = Althernanthera strigosa hask

Bayem belanda = Phvtolacca acinosa roxb

Bayem = Amaranthus caudatus rumph

Begonia = Begonia fimbristipulata hance

Begonia = Begonia glabra kuiz.ex pav

Begonia = Begonia laciniata roxb

Beluntas = Pluchea indica less

Benalu. = Henslowia frutescens champ

Benda = Artocarpus elastica reinw

Bengle = Zingiber purpureum roxb

Bereng = Musa brachycarfa backer

Berenuk = Crescentia cujete L.

Beringin = Ficus benjamina L.

Bidara = Ziziphus mauritania

Biduri = Calotropts gigantea .gbr

Binjei, kemang = Mangifera caesia, M. kemanga

Bintaro = Cerbera manghas L.

Bisbul = Diospyros blancoi

Black gram' = Vigna mungo

Blimbing manis = Averrhoa caramboLa L

Blimbing wuluh = Averrhoa biLimbi L

Blustru = Luffa cylindrica roem

Blustru = Luffa cylindrica roem

Brambangan = Aneilema malabaricum (L.merr

Bratawali, brotowali = Tinospora tuberculata beumee

Bribil = Galinsoga parviflora cav

Brobos = Alysicarpus vaginalis

Brodjo lego = Mikania cordate

Brojo lintang = Belamcanda chinensis (L.dc

Buah negeri = Passiflora edulis sims

Buah peach, persik = Prunus persica (L.batsch

Buah Samarinda = Carissa carandas L.

Buffelgrass = Cenchrus ciliaris

Bugenvil = Bougainvillea glabra chois

Bulu = Ficus annulata bl

Buncis = Phaseolus vulgaris L.

Bunga altea = Althaea rosea (L.cav

Bunga Desember = Haemanthus multiflorus (tratt.martyn

Bunga kancing = Gomphrena globosa L.

Bunga karang = Hedvotis uncinella arn

Bunga lilin = Pachvstachys lutea L.

Bunga Lilj = Ulium brownii f.e.brown

Bunga madia = Thunbergia grandiflora roxb

Bunga madia = Thunbergia grandiflora roxb

Bunga pagoda = Clerodendron squamatum vahl

Bunga pukul delapan = Turnera subulata j.e.smith

Bunga Sepatu mawar = Hibiscus syriacus L.

Bungur = Lagerstroemia loudonii t.&
amp; b

Bungur = Lagerstroemia speciosa pers

Buni = Antidesma bunius

Buni = Antidesma bunius (L.spreng )

Burang = Trevesia sundaica miq

Cabe jawa = Piper retrofractum vahl

Cabe merah = Capsicum annum L.

Cabe rawit = Capsicum frutescens L.

Cabean = Piper sarmentosum roxb.ex hunter

Cakar ayam = Hemerocallis fulva L.

Calincing = Oxalis barrelieri L.

Camcao = Cylea barbata miers

Campaka = Michelia champaka L.

Cangkring = Erythrina fusca lour

Canistel' = Pouteria campechiana

Cantik manis = Portulacca grandiflora hook

Caribbean stylo = Stylosanthes hamata

Ceguk = Quisqualis indica L.

Cemara kipas = Thuja orientalis L.

Cemara = Casuarina equisetifolia L.

Cempaka mulya = Michelia figo (lour.spreng

Cempedak = Artocarpus integer

Cempoko gondok = Talauma candollii bl

Cendana = Santalum album L.

Cengkeh = Eugenia aromatica o.k

centurion = Centrosema pascuorum

Ceplikan = Ruellia tuberosa L.

Ceplukan blungsun = Passiflora foetida L.

Ceplukan = Physalis peruviana L.

Cerakin = Croton tiglium L.

ceremai Belanda = Eugenia uniflora

Ceremai = Phyllanthus acidus (L.) skeells

Ceri Brazil = Eugenia dombeyi

Ciko mama = Pouteria sapota

Ciplukan blungsu = Passiflora foetida L.

Ciplukan = Physalis angulata L.

Codo = Elaeagnus loureirii champ

Coklat = Theobroma cacao L.

Cola = Cola nitida a.chev

Congcong belut = Bridelia ovata decne

Cupa, rambai, menteng, mafai setambun = Baccaurea

Dadap ayam = Erythrina variegata L.

Dadap bong = Erythrina microcarpa k.&
amp; v

Dadap serep = Erythrina lithosperma miq

Damar kaca = Shorea javanica Koord. &
amp; Valeton

Damar = Agathis dammara (LambertRich.

Damar = Agathis dammara warb

Daun bludu = Hedyotis capitellata wall.ex.g.don

Daun dewa = Gynura procumbens back

Daun dolar = Ficus pumila L.

Daun duduk = Desmodium triquetrum

Daun encok = Plumbago zeylanica L.

Daun ivi, = Hedera helix L.

Daun jinten = Coleus amboinicus lour

Daun kupu-kupu = Bauhinia tomentosa L.

Daun lebar = Chamaecrista rotundifalia

Daun lumut = Marantha leuconeura L.

Daun mules = Desmodium triflorum

Daun perak = Episcia reptans mart

Daun persik. = Daedalacanthus roseus t.anders

Daun putri = Mussaenda pubescens ait.f

Daun ungu = Graptophyllum pictum griff

Daun urat = Plantago major L.

Daunseribu = Achillea millefolium L.

Daunseribu = Achillea santolina L.

Delima = Punica granatum L.

Dempul lelet = Glochidion rubrum bl

desmodium daun hijau = Desmodium intortum

desmodium = Desmodium heterocarpon ssp ovalifolium

Dewandaru = Eugenia uniflora L.

Digitalis = Digitalis purpurea L.

Dillenia = Dillenia philippinensis rolfe

Dlingo = Acorus calamus L.

Drakaena = Dracaena sanderiana vand.ex L.

Druju = Argemone mexicana L.

Dubois = Duboisia leichardtii f.moeller

Duku = Lansium domesticum corr

duku, langsat = Lansium domesticum

Duri tentong = Opuntia elatior mill

Durian = Durio zibethinus Murr.

duwet = Syzygium cumini

Eceng gondok = Eichhornia crassipes solms

ekaliptus = Eucalyptusalba Reinw. ex Blume

Ekor anjing. = Heliotropium indicum L.

Ekorkucing = Acalypha hispida burm.f

Elo = Ficus glomerata roxb

embacang = Mangifera altissima

Enceng-enceng = Cassia sophera L.

Enceng-enceng = Gynandropsis ginandra (L.brio

Gadung cina = Smilax zeylanica L

Gadung = Dioscorea hispida dennst

gamal = Gliricidia sepium

Gambet. = Polvgonum multiflorum thunb

Gambir laut = Clerodendron inerme (L.gaertn

gambir = Uncaria gambir (HunterRoxb.

Gandapura = Gaultheria fragrantissima auct.non wall

gandaria = Bouea macrophylla

Gandarusa = Justicia gendarussa burm.f

Gandasuli = Hedychium coronarium koen

Gandasulimerah = Hedychium angustifolium roxb

Ganyong = Canna edulis ker.

Gardenia = Gardenia mutabilis reinw

Garut = Maranta arundinacea L.

Gayam = Inocarpus edulis forst

gedang memedi = Carica pubescens

Gembolo = Dioscorea bulbifera L.

Gempur batu = Ruellia napifera zoll &
amp; mor

Gendis = Clinacanthus nutans lindau

Gendola = Basella rubra L.

Genjer = Umnocharis flava (L.buch

Genteng peujet = Quassia amara L.

Gewor = Commelina benghalensis L.

Gigil = Oichroa febrifuga lour

Ginje = Clerodendron indicum (L.o.k

Ginjean = Leonurus sibiricus L.

Girang merah. = Leea rubra bl

Girang = Leea aequata L.

Girang = Leea indica (burm.f.merr

glagah = Saccharum spontaneum

Glirisidia = Glyricidia sepium (jacq.kunth ex walp

glycine = Neonotonia wightii

Gobo = Arctium lappa L.

Gondang = Ficus variegata bl

Gowok = Eugenia polycephala miq

Grandiflorum = Solanum grandiflorum auct

grass pea = Lathyrus sativus

Grindelia = Grindelia robusta nutt.

Gringsingan = Hyptis suaveolens (L.poir

Gucen = Rubus rosaefolius smith

Gude = Cajanus cajan millspaugh

Hangkang = Palaquium leiocarpum Boerl.

Her = Coleus atropurpureus benth

Hiosiami = Hyoscyamus albus L.

ilalang = Imperata cylindrica

ilanos makro = Macroptilium longepedunculatum

Inggu = Ruta angustifolia (L.pers

Iprih = Ficus glabella bl

Irah-irahan = Cissus discolor bl

Iris = Iris pallida lamk

Jabung = Erigeron sumatrensis retz

Jagung jali = Coix lacryma-jobi L.

Jagung = Zea mays L.

Jahe = Zingiber officinale rosc

Jaka tuwa = Scoparia dulcis L.

Jalu mampang = Monstera pertusa auct

Jambe rende = Areca pumila bl

Jamblang = Eugenia cumini merr.

Jambon = Eugenia microcyma k.&
amp; v

Jambu air = Eugenia aquea burm.f

jambu air = Syzygium aqueum

Jambu biji = Psidium guajava L.

jambu bol = Syzygium malaccense

Jambu mawar = Eugenia jambos L.

jambu mawar = Syzygium jambos

jambu mete = Anacardium occidentale L.

Jambu monyet = Anacardium occidentale L.

jambu semarang = Syzygium samarangense

Janggelan = Mesona palustris bl

Jangkang = Homalocladium platycladum (f.muellbailey

Janti, jayanti = Sesbania sesban (L.merr

Jarak cina = Jatropha gossypifolia L.

Jarak kosta = Jatropha curcas L.

Jarak tintir = Jatropha multifida L.

Jarak = Jatropha podagrica hook

Jarak = Ricinus communis L.

Jarong lelaki = Stachytarpheta mutabilis vahl

Jati belanda = Guazuma ulmifolia lamk

Jati = Tectona grandis L.

Jawer kotok = Coleus blumei benth

jelutung = Dyera costulata (Miq.Hook f.

Jembirit = Tabernaemontana sphaerocarpa bl

Jenetri = Elaeocarpus ganitrus roxb

Jengger ayam = Celosia cristata L.

jengkol = Pithecellobium jiringa Prain

Jengkol = Pithecollobium lobatum benth

Jenu = Derris elliptica (roxb.)8enth

Jeruju = Acanthus ilicifolius L.

jeruk bali = Citrus maxima

Jeruk bali = Citrus maxima merr

jeruk kasturi = Citrofortunella microcarpa

Jeruk kates = Atalantia missionis oliv

Jeruk keprok = Citrus nobilis lour

jeruk keprok = Citrus reticulata

Jeruk kingkit = Triphasia trifoliata dc

jeruk manis = Citrus sinensis

jeruk nipis = Citrus aurantifolia

Jeruk nipis = Citrus aurantium (aurantifolia)

Jeruk purut = Citrus hystrix dc

Jeruk sitrun = Citrus medica L.

Jinten hitam = Nigella sativa L.

Johar = Cassia siamea lamk

Joho = Terminalia bellirica (gaertn)roxb

Jombang = Sonchus asper vill

Jombloh = Gynura crepidioides benth

Jrembak-jrembakan = Cardamine flexuosa with

Jukut ibun = Drymaria hirsuta bartl

jukut kidang = Centotheca latifolia

Kaca piring = Gardenia augusta merr

kacang arab = Cicer arietinum

kacang babi = Vicia faba

kacang batang = Macroptilium lathyroides

kacang bogor = Vigna subterrania

Kacang emas = Phaseolus lunatus L.

kacang gude = Cajanus cajan

Kacang hijau = Phaseolus radiatus L.

kacang hijau = Vigna radiata

Kacang kapri = Pisum sativum L.

kacang meongan = Aeschynomene americana

kacang merah/kacang panjang/kacang tunggak = Vigna unguiculata

Kacang panjang = Vigna sinensis (l.savi ex hassk

kacang parang = Canavalia ensiformis

kacang pinto = Arachis pintoi

kacang rimpang = Arachis glabrata

Kacang ruji = Phaseolus calcaratus roxb

kacang tanah = Arachis hypogaea

Kacang tanah = Arachis hypogaea L.

kacang uci = Vigna umbellata

kaimi = Desmodium incanum

Kaki kuda = Centella asiatica urb.

Kalatea batik = Calatea lietzei e.morren

kaliandra = Calliandra calothyrsus

Kaliandra = Calliandra haematocephala hassk

kalopo = Calopogonium caeruleum

kalopo = Calopogonium mucunoides

Kamboja merah = Plumeria rubra L.

Kangkung hutan = Ipomoea fistulosa mart.ex.cholsy

Kangkung = Ipomoea aquatica forsk

Kapai besar. = Lygodium japonicum (thunb.sw

Kapas cinde = Asclepias curassavica L.

Kapas = Gossypium arboreum L.

Kapitatum = Clerodendron capitatum schum.&
amp; thou

Kapri = Pisum sativum

kapuk = Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.

Kapulaga sabrang = Elettaria cardamomum (L.maton

Kapulaga = Amomum cardamomum willd

kapurbarus = Dryobalanopssumatrensis (J.F. GmelinKosterm

Kara bendo = Canavalia ensiformis (l.dc

Kara benguk = Mucuna pruriens dc

Kara = Dolichos lablab l.b

Karet = Ficus elastica nois.ex bl

Katak dewol = Dioscorea pentaphylla L.

Kate mas = Euphorbia heterophylla L.

Katuk = Sauropus androgynus merr

kawista = Limonia acidissima

Kayu angin = Usnea misaminensis (vain.not

Kayu apu = Pistia stratiotes L.

Kayu itam = Guatteria rumphii bl

Kayu kuning = Arcangelisia flava merr

Kayu lanang = Khaya sinegalensis L.

Kayu lanang = Oroxylum indicum (L.vent

Kayu nasi. = Maesa perlarius (lour.merr

Kayu ni = Berberis fortune!lindl

Kayu putih = Eucalyptus alba reinw

Kayu putih = Eucalyptus umbellata dum.cours

Kayu putih = Melaleuca leucadendra L.

Kayu rapet = Parameria laevigata (juss.moldenke

Kayu sapi = Pometia pinnata j.r.&
amp; g.forst

Kayu secang = Caesalpinia sappan L.

Kayu urip = Euphorbia tirucali L.

kecapi = Sandoricum koetjape

Kecapi = Sandoricum koetjape (burm.f.merr

Kecipir = Psophocarpus tetragonolobus dc

Kecombrang = Nicolaia speciosa horan

Kecubung gunung = Brugmansia suaveolens bercht.&
amp; presl

Kecubung pendek = Datura stramonium L.

Kecubung wulung = Datura metel L.

Kecubung = Brugmansia candida pers

Kecubung = Datura tatula L.

Kedawung = Parkia roxburgh!!G.don

Kedelai = Glycine max

Kedelai = Soya max piper

Kedinding = Cassia mimosoides L.

kedondong manis = Spondilas cytherea

kedondong seberang = Spondias purpurea

Kedondong = Lannea grandis engl

Kedondong = Spondias pinnata (l.f.kurz

Kedongdong laut = Nothopanax fruticosum miq

Keiumbar = Coriandrum sativum L.

Keji beling = Strobilanthes crispus bl

Keji besi = Hemigraphis rependa (L.hall.f

kekara = Macrotyloma uniflorum

Keladi = Caladium bicolor (w.ait.vent

Kelapa = Cocos nucifera L.

Kelembak = Rheum officinale baill

Kelor = Cucumis sativus L.

Kelor = Moringa oleifera lam

Kemarogan = Gymnopetalum leucostictum miq

Kembang anting-anting = Fuchsia speciosa hort

Kembang bulan = Tithonia diversifolia (hemsley)a.gray

Kembang ceplikan = Soudago virgo-aurea L.

Kembang emas = Stephanotis floribunda (

Kembang kuning = Cassia surattensis burm,f

Kembang pukul empat = Mirabilis jalapa L.

Kembang sepatu = Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.

kembang telang = Clitoria ternatea

Kembang telang = Clitoria ternatea L.

Kembang torong = Hippeastrum puniceum (lamk.o.k

Kembang wungu = Pharbitis nil (L.choisy

Kembangtorong = Hippeastrum equestre herb

Kemboja = Plumiera acuminata ait

kemenyan = Styrax benzoin Dryand.

Kemiren = Hernandia peltata meissn

Kemiri = Aleurites moluccana (L.willd

kemiri = Aleurites moluccana Willd.

Kemladean = Scurrula atropurpurea (bl.dans

Kemlandingan = Leucaena glauca benth

Kemloko = Phyllanthus emblica L.

Kemukus = Piper cubeba l.f

Kemuning = Murraya paniculata jacq

kemunting = Rhodomyrtus tomentosa

kenanga = Cananga odorata (LamkHook. f. &
amp; Thoms.

Kenanga = Canangium odoratum baill

Kenari = Canarium commune L.

Kencur = Kaempferia galanga L.

Kendal = Cordia obliqua auct

Kendung = Helicia javanica bl

Kenikir = Cosmos caudatus h.b.k.

Kenikir = Tagetes erecta L.

Kentang = Solanum tuberosum L.

Kentangireng = Coleus tuberosus benth

kenya clover = Trifolium semipilosum

Kepel = Stelechocarpus burahol (bl.)Hook.f.&
amp; th

kepel, burahol = Stelechocarpus burahol

Kepundung = Baccaurea racemosa muell.arg

Kerak nasi = Sambucus javanica reinw.ex bl

Kernbang bugang = Clerodendrum calamitosum L.

Kernbang matahari = Helianthus annus L.

kersen = Muntingia calabura

Kertau = Morus macroura miq

Kesambi = Schleichera oleosa (lour.oken

kesemek = Diospyros kaki

Kesemek = Diospyros kaki thunb

Ketela = Ipomoea batatas poir

Ketepeng cina = Cassia alata L.

Ketepeng = Cassia tora L.

KetuI = Bidens chinensis willd

Kibentili = Kickxia arborea bl

Kimpul = Xanthosoma violaceum schoot

Kina = Cinchona ledgeriana moens

Kina = Cinhona succtrubra pavon et klot

Kismis = Muehlenbeckia platyclada (f.v.muell.meissn

Kluwih = Artocarpus altilis (park.fsb

Kola leli = Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.spreng

Kola = Cola acuminata schott et endl.

komak = Lablab purpureus

Kompri = Symphytum officinale L.

konyal = Passiflora edulis

kopi gunung = Anacolosa frutescens

Kopi = Coffea arabica L.

Kopi = Coffea robusta lindl.ex de willd.

Krambilan = Biophytum sensitivum dc

Krangean = Litsea cubeba pers

Krangkong. = Ludwigia adscendens (L.hara

kratok = Phaseolus lunatus

Kremah = Alternanthera sessil1s

Kremi = Portulaca quadrifida L.

Krisan = Chrysanthemum indicum L.

Krokot cina = Euphorbia prostata w.ait

Krokot = Portulaca oleracea L.

Kucing-kucingan = Acalypha indica L.

kudzu tropika, krandang = Pueraria phasealoides

Kuma-kuma = Crocus sativus L.

Kumis kucing = Orthosiphon spicatus b.b.s

kumkuat' = Fortunella

Kunci pepet = Kaempferia angustifolia rosc

Kunir putih = Kaempferia rotunda L.

Kunyit = Curcuma oomestica val.

kupi-kupi, beberetean = Rubus

Kuping gajah = Anthurium andreanum linden

Kuping macan = Saxifraga stolonifera meerb

kuweni = Mangifera odorata

Kwalot = Brucea javanica (L.merr

Kwalotan. = Bursera simaruba L.

Labu Air = Lagenaria leucantha (duch.rusby

Labu siem = Sechium edule sw

Lada = Piper njgrum L.

Laja gowah = Alpinia malaccensis (burm.f.roxb

Lampes = Ocimum sanctum L.

Landep = BarL.eria cristata L.

Landep = BarL.eria prionitis L.

Landik = Barleria lupulina lindl

Larasetu = Andropogon zizaniodes (l.)Urb

Lateng = Urtica grandidentata miq.non moris

Leci = Litchi chinensis sonn

Legetan = Spilanthes acmella murr

Legetan = Synedrella nodiflora gaertn

Legundi = Vitex trifolia L.

Lemon = Limonia acidissima auct.non L.

Lempuyang gajah = Zingiber zerumbet sm

Lempuyang wangi = Zingiber aromaticum val

Lempuyang = Zingiber amaricans bl

lengkeng = Dimocarpus longan

Lengkeng = Euphoria longana lamk

Lengkuas merah = Alpinia purpurata k.schum

Leng-lengan. = Leucas lavandulifolia smith

lentil = Lens culinaris

Lerak = Sapindus rarak dc

Lici = Litchi chinensis

Lidah ayam = Polygala glamerata lour

Lidah buaya = Aloe ferox miller

Lidah tiong. = Hedyotis diffusa willd

Lidah ular = Oldenlandia corymbosa L.

limau gedang = Citrus x paradisi

llat-ilatan = Ficus callosa willd

lles-iles = Amorphophallus variabilis bl

Lobak = Raphanus sativus L.

Lobelia = Lobelia inflata L.

Lobi-lobi. = Flaucortia inermis roxb

lokwat = Eriobotrya japonica

Lokwat = Eriobotrya japonica (thumb.lindl

Lontar = Borassus flabellifer L.

Luteng = Hydnocarpus anthelmintica pierre

Luteng = Taraktogenos kurzii king

Mahkota duri = Euphorbia milli ch.des moulins

Mahoni = Swietenia mahagoni jacq

maja = Aegle marmelos

makadamia = Macadamia hildebrandii V. St.

makadamia = Macadamia integrifolia

Makutadewa = Phaleria macrocarpa (scheffboerl

mangga bemban = Mangifera pentandra

mangga pari = Mangifera laurina

Mangga = Mangifera indica L.

Manggis = Gabcinia mangostana L.

manggis = Garcinia mangostana

Mangkudu = Morinda citrifolia L.

Manis jangan = Cinnamomum burmani bl.

Manis rejo = Vassinium varingiaefolium (bl.miq

Manon = Helminthostachys zeylanica hook

Markisa = Passiflora quadrangularis L.

Masoyi = Massoia aromatica becc

Mata ayam. = Ardisia crenata roxb

matoa = Pometia J.R. Foster &
amp; J.G. Foster

Mawar merci = Rosa multiflora L.

Mawar = Rosa chinensis jacq

Mawar = Rosa galica L.

Mbacang = Mangifera foetida lour

Melati kosta. = Brunsfelsia uniflora (pohl.d.don

Melati mayang. = Ligustrum sinense lour

Melati = Jasminum sambac (l.)W.ait

melinjo = Gnetum gnemon L.

Melon = Cucumis melo L.

Meniran = Phyllanthus niruri L.

Meniran = Phyllanthus urinaria L.

Menta = Mentha crispa rumph

Menta = Mentha meroinah back.ex ochse &
amp; back

Menta = Mentha piperita L.

Menting = Cassia occidentalis L.

Merakan = Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.)Swartz

Mimba = Azadirachta indica a.juss

Mindi = Melia azeoarach L.

mittikelu' = Vigna aconitifolia

Mojo legi = Aegle marmelos (L.Corr

Mondokaki abang = Tabernemontana pardacaqui poir

Mondokaki = Tabernaemontana divaricata

Mrambos hijau = Hibiscus sabdariffa L.

Mrambos merah = Hibiscus radiatus cav

Mrico kepyar = Ochna kirki1 oliver

Mrico kepyar = Phytolacca americana L.

Mrico lolot = Piper lolot c.dc

Mulwo = Annona reticulata L.

Mundu = Garcinia dulcis kurz

Mungsi arab = Artemisia cina berg.

Murbei = Morus alba L.

Nagasari = Messua ferrea L.

namnam = Cynometra cauliflora

Namnam = Cynometra cauliflora L.

Nampu hijau = Alocasia cucculata (lour.schoot

Nampu = Homalomena javanica v.a.v.r

Nanas Belanda = Sansevieria trifasciata prain

Nanas kerang = Rhoeo spathacea swartz

Nanas = Ananas comosus merr

Nanas-nanasan = Billbergia nutans wend.ex regel

nangka = Artocarpus

nangka = Artocarpus heterophyllus

nangka = Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.

Nangka = Artocarpus integra merr

Nasturtium = Tropaeolum majus L.

nenas = Ananas comosus

Ngokilo = Strobilanthes laevigatus clarck

Nilam = Pogostemon cablin benth

Nipah = Nypa fruticans Wurmb.

Njari = Sonchus javanicus jungh

Nona makan sirih = Clerodenoron thomsonae balf.f

Nusa indah = Mussaenda phylippica L.

Nyamplung = Calophyllum inophyllum L.

okari' = Terminalia kaernbachii

Oleande = Nerium oleander L.

Oleander = Nerium indicum mill

Oleander = Thevetia peruviana (pers.k.schum

Orang-aring = Tridax procumbens L.

Orang-artng = Eclipta alba l.hassk

Origanum = Origanum vulgare L.

Orok-orok hutan = Flemingia congesta roxb

orok-orok lembut = Crotalaria juncea

Orok-orok sapi = Crotalaria striata dc

Orok-orok = Crotalaria anagyroioes h.b.k

Ototan = Ajuga reptans bugle

Otot-ototan = Plantago lanceolarta L.

Pacar banyu = Impatiens platypetala lindl

Pacar cina = Aglaia odorata lour

Pacar kuku = Lawsonia inermis L.

Pacing hias = Costus malortieanus wendl

Pacing = Costus megalobrachtea k.schum

Pacing = Costus speciosus smith.

Pacing = Costus spiralis rosc

padi burung = Echinochloa crus-galli

Padi = Oryza sativa L.

Pakis haji = Alsophila glauca (

Pakis haji = Cycas rumphii miq

Paku andam = Dicranopteris dichotoma (thunb.bernh

Paku ekor tupai. = Lepidogrammatis rostrata (bedd.ching

Paku kawat. = Lvgodium scandens (L.sw

Paku pandan = Asplenium prolongatum hook

Paku pecut = Pteris ensiformis burm

Paku pedang. = Microsorium buergerianum (miq.ching

Paku rane = Selaginella doederlinii hieron

Paku sarang burung = Neottopteris nidus (L.J.smith

Paku sepat = Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.presl

Paku tanah. = Lindsaea orbiculata (lamk.mett

Paku tanjung = Diplazium esculentum swartz

Pala = Myristica fragrans houtt

Palikan kebo = Euphorbia hirta L.

Palmarosa = Andropogon martini roxb

Pandan bidur = Pandanus bidur jungh.ex miq

Pandan kecil = Pandanus polycephalus lamk

Pandan kowang = Pandanus furcatus roxb

Pandan wangi = Pandanus amaryllifolius roxb

Pandan = Pandanus tectorius soland.ex park

Panili = Vanilla planifolia andrew

Pare belut = Trichosanthes anguina L.

Pare = Momordica charantia L.

Parijoto. = Medinella speciosa L.

Patah tulang = Pedilanthus pringlei robins

Paveta = Pavetta indica L.

'pejibaye' = Bactris gasipaes

Penawar jambe = Cycas revoluta thunb

pepaya = Carica papaya

Pepaya = Carica papaya L.

Peperomia = Peperomia pellucida kunth

Peru balsem = Myroxylon balsamum harms

petai cina, lamtoro = Leucaena leucocephala

petai = Parkia speciosa Hassk

Pete = Parkia speciosa hassk

Peterseli = Petroselinum sativum hoffm

Picisan = Cycloporus nummularifolius c.chr.

'pili' = Canarium ovatum

Pinang = Areca catechu L.

Pinten = Dicliptera chinensis ness

Pinus = Pinus merkusii jungh.&
amp; de vr

Piretrum = Pvrethrum cinerariaefolium trev

Pisang hias = Heliconia colinsiana

Pisang ungu = Musa acuminata colla

pisang = Musa

Plasa = Butea monosperma (lamk.taub

plikatulum = Paspalum plicatulum

Plumbago = Plumbago capensis thunb

Pohon mangkok = Nothopanax scutellarium merr

Pohon sapu tangan = Maniltoa granoiflora scheff

Poko = Mentha arvensis L.

Poncosudo = Jasminum pubescens willd

Ponon kamfer = Cinnamomum camphora (L.presl

Posor = Pseudoranthemum diversifolium mio

Prabu kenyo = Passiflora lunata willd

Prana jiwa = Euchresta horsfieldii (lesch.benn

Prasman = Eupatorium triplinerve vahl

Preh = Ficus ribes reinw

Pucung = Pangium edule reinw

Pule pandak = Rauwolpia verticillata lour

Pule = Alstonia macrophylla wall.ex g.don

Pulu pandak = Rauwolfia serpentina benth

Puluian = Urena lobata L.

Puring = Codiaeum variegatum bi.

Purwaceng = Pimpinella alpina k.d.s

Purwoceng gunung = Artemisia lactiflora wall

Puspa = Schima noronhae reinw

Putat = Barringtonia spicata bl

Puteran = Helicteres isora L.

putri malu = Mimosa pudica

Puyan = Aristolochia debile zucc

Racunan = Euphorbia pulcherrima willd

Rambutan = Nephelium lappaceum L.

Rampelas = Ficus ampelas burm.f

Randa nunut = Drymaria cordata willd

Randu = Ceiba pentandra gaertin

Rane = Selaginella unsinata (desv.spring

Ranggis (Jawa = Lonicera japonica thunb

Ranggitan = Rubia cordifolia L.

rangkas = Vaccinium

Ranti = Solanum nigrum L.

Remek watu. = Hedyotis aur1cular1a L.

rukam = Flacourtia rukam

Rukam = Flacourtia rukam zoll.&
amp; mor

Ruku-ruku utan = Hyptts suaveolens (L.poit

Rumex = Rumex acetosa L.

rumput australi = Paspalum dilatatum

rumput awis = Thysanolaena latifolia

rumput bahia = Paspalum notatum

rumput bambu = Arundinaria pusilla

Rumput bambu = Pogonatherum crinitum (thunb.kunth

Rumput bayam = Corchorus acutangulus lamk

rumput bebek = Echinochloa colona

rumput benda laut = Panicum repens

rumput benggala = Panicum maximum

rumput bermuda, rumput grinting = Cynodon dactylon

rumput bintang = Cynodon nlemfuensis

Rumput bolon = Equisetum debile roxb

rumput bunga putih = Asystasia gangetica

rumput ceker ayam = Digitaria ciliaris

rumput columbus = Sorghum x almum

rumput cori = Brachiaria subquadripara

rumput digit = Digitaria milanjiana

rumput ekor kucing = Pennisetum polystachion

rumput embun = Bothriochloa pertusa

rumput emprit-empritan = Eragrostis tenella

rumput gajah = Pennisetum purpureum

rumput gamba = Andropogon gayanus

Rumput ganepo = Salvinia natans (L.all

Rumput gelam = Polygonum cuspidatum zucc

rumput guatemala = Tripsacum andersonii

rumput guinea ramping = Panicum maximum var. trichoglume

rumput hindi = Dichanthium annulatum

rumput italia = Paspalum distichum

Rumput jeboran = Commelina nudiflora L.

Rumput kawat. = Lycopodium cernuum L.

Rumput kelurut. = Lophatherum gracile brongn

rumput kemarau = Ischaemum muticum

rumput kemuncup = Chrysopogon aciculatus

Rumput kenop. = Kyllinga monocephala rottb

rumput kerbau derapah, kaci = Desmodium heterocarpon

rumput kerbau = Paspalum conjugatum

rumput ketam = Stenotaphrum secundatum

rumput kikuyu = Pennisetum clandestinum

rumput kinangan = Paspalum scrobiculatum

Rumput kipas = Selaginella tamarisc1na (bauv.spring

rumput koronivia = Brachiaria humidicola

rumput kumpai = Hymenachne acutigluma

rumput manila = Zoysia matrella

rumput melayu = Ischaemum magnum

Rumput merakan = Themeda arguen (L.hack

rumput musim panas hijau = Brachiaria distachya

rumput padang = Ischaemum ciliare

rumput pahit = Axonopus compressus

rumput pait = Ottochloa nodosa

rumput palisade = Brachiaria brizantha

rumput pangola = Digitaria eriantha

rumput para = Brachiaria mutica

Rumput putih = Chlorophytum comosum (thunb.baker

rumput randan = Ischaemum rugosum

rumput rhodes = Chloris gayana

rumput ruzi = Brachiaria ruziziensis

rumput sabi = Urochloa mosambicensis

rumput sarang buaya = Ischaemum timorense

rumput sinyal = Brachiaria decumbens

rumput sisik betok = Desmodium heterophyllum

rumput sudan = Sorghum x drummondii

rumput tapak jalak = Dactyloctenium aegyptium

rumput tombak, merakan = Heteropogon contortus

rumput udang = Eragrostis unioloides

rumputmerakan lanang = Themeda triandra (

'runner bean' = Phaseolus coccineus

Rusmarin = Rosmarinus ofrcjnalis L.

Saga = Abrus precatorius L.

sagu = Metroxylon sagu Rottboel

Salah nyowo = Poligonum barbatum L.

Salah nyowol = Jussieua erecta L.

'salak kumbar' = Salacca wallichiana

Salak = Salacca edulis reinw

salak = Salacca zalacca

Salam = Eugenia polyantha wight

Salfia = Salvia coccinea juss

Salfia = Salvia splendens sello

Saliyah = Rhododendron mucronatum bl.g.don

Sambang colok = Aerva sanguinolenta bl

Sambang darah = Excoecaria bicolor hassk

Sambang darah = Hemigraphis colorata hall.f

Sambeng = Lasia spinosa (L.thw

Samber lilen = Strobilanthes dyerianus mast

Sambiloto = Andrographis paniculata nees

sanagori = Codariocalyx gyroides

Sangketan = Achyranthes aspera L.

Sangketan = Achyranthes bidentata blume

Sangketan = Moschosma polystachium benth

Sangsri = Celosia argentea L.

sarikaya = Annona squamosa

'sauge' = Finchia chloroxantha

Sawi belanda. = Lactuca indica L.

Sawi India = Lactuca indica L.

Sawi lemah = Nasturtium indicum d c

Sawi putih = Brassica chinensis L.

Sawi = Brassica juncea (L.chern

sawo duren = Chrysophyllum cainito

sawo hitam = Diospyros digyna

sawo manila = Manilkara zapota

sawo putih = Casimiroa edulis

Sawo = Manilkara kauki dub

Sawomanila = Achras zapota L.

Sayor putih = Pisonia sylvestris t.&
amp; b

Sedap malam = Cestrum nocturnum L.

Segawesabrang = Adenanthera pavonina

Selasih = Ocimum basilicum L.

Selat = Lactuca sativa L.

Seledri = Apium graveolens L.

Seligi = Phyllanthus buxifolius muell.arg

semanggi landa = Trifolium repens

semanggi = Desmodium uncinatum

Semanggi = Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides lamk

Semanggi = Marsilea crenata presl

Semanggi = Oxalis corniculata linn

Semangka = Citrullus vulgaris schrad

Semboja Jepang = Euphorbia plumerioides teysm.ex hassk

Sembukan = Paederia foetida L.

Sembung kuwuk = Blumea lacera dc

Sembung = Blumea balsamifera dc

Senggani = Melastoma polyanthum bl

Senggugu = Clerodendron serratum spreng

Sengon laut = Albizzia falcataria (L.Fosberg

Senopodi = Chenopodium ambrosioides L.

Sente = Alocasia macrorrhiza schott

Senting = Cassia laevigata willd

sentro = Centrosema pubescens

Senu = Pipturus incanus (bl.wedd

Sere = Andropogon citratus dc

Sere = Andropogon nardus L.

SerpJIi = Thymus serphyllum L.

Seruni = Wedelia calendulacea less

setaria, sekoi = Setaria sphacelata

Seuseureuhan = Piper aduncum L.

Sidaguri = Sida rhombifolia L.

Sidawayah = Woodfordia floribunda salisb

Silibum = Silybum marianum (L.gaertner

Simbar layangan = Drynaria sparsisora moore

Simbar menjangan = Platycerium bifurcatum c.chr

Simbar pedang = Microsorium fortunei (mooreching

Sinyo nakal. = Ddranta repens auct.non jacq

sipadi = Ficus subcordata

siratro = Macroptilium atropurpureum

Sirih = Piper betle L.

sirsak = Annona muricata

sitrun = Citrus medica

Soka = Ixora coccinea L.

Solidago = Solidago lepida dc

Som jawa = Talinum triangulare willd

Som = Talinum paniculatum gaertn

Songgo langit = Quamoclit pinnata bojer

Sono keling. = Dalbergia latifolia roxb

Sosor bebek = Kalanchoe daigremontiana dc

Sosor bebek = Kalanchoe integre (medik)o.k

Sosor bebek = Kalanchoe laciniata (L.dc

Sosor bebek = Kalanchoe pinnata pers

Sri Rejeki = Oieffenbachia seguine (jacq.schott

Srigading = Nvctanthes arbor-tristis L.

Srikaya = Annona muricata L.

Srikaya = Annona squamosa L.

Stepania = Stepania hernandifolia (willd.walp

Stevia = Stevia rebaudiana bertonii m

Stropanti = Strophantus gratus (bth.baill

stylo perduan = Stylosanthes scabra

stylo = Stylosanthes guianensis

Suji = Pleomele angustifolia n.e.brown

Suket tulangan = Eleusine indica (L.gaertn

sukun = Artocarpus altilis

sukun = Artocarpus altilis (Park.Fosberg

Sukun = Artocarpus communis forst

Sumba kling = Bixa orellana L.

Suplir = Adiantum cuneatum langs.&
amp; fisch

Suruhan = Peperomia pellucida (l.h.b.k

Susudu = Euphorbia antiquarum L.

Suweg = Amorphophallus campanulatus bl

Tabat barito = Ficus deltoidea jack

Taiwan beauty = Cuphea hyssopifolia h.b.k

Tales = Colocasia esculenta schott

Tali putri = Cassytha filiformis L.

Talok = Muntingia calabura L.

Tanjung = Mimusops elengi L.

Tapak doro = Vinca rosea u

Tapak liman = Elephantopus scaber L.

Taraksakum = Taraxacum officinale wiggers

tarisi = Albizia lebbeck

Tarum = Indigofera sumatrana gaertn

Tebu = Saccharum officinarum L.

Tegari = Dianella montana bl

Teh kembang = Matricaria chamomilla L.

Teh = Camellia sinensis (L.)O.k

Teh-tehan merah = Acalypha microphylla L.

Tekelan = Eupatorium riparium reg.

Teki = Cyperus rotundus L.

Teki = Kyllinga brevifolia rottb

Tekomaria = Tecomaria capensis spach

Telasihan = Cinnamomum partenoxylon (jack.meissn

Tembakau India = Lobelia nicotiana L.

Tembakau = Nicotiana tabacuwi L.

Tembelek = Lantana camara L.

Tempuh wiyang = Emilia sonchifolia dc

Tempuyung = Sonchus arvensis L.

Temu giring = Curcuma heyneana val

Temu ireng = Curcuma aeruginosa roxb.

Temu kunci = Boesenbergia pandurata (roxb.)Schlecht

Temu lawak = Curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb

Temu mangga = Curcuma mangga val

Temu putih = Curcuma zedoaria (berg.roscoe

tengkawang = Shorea spp.

'tepary bean' = Phaseolus acotifolius

Tepussigung = Achasma coccineum val

terap = Artocarpus odoratissimus

Terate putih = Nymphaea alba L.

terong belanda = Cyphomandra betacea

Terong cepoka = Solanum torvum swartz

Terong mandras = Cyphomandra botacea sendtn

Terong ngor = Solanum indicum L.

Terong siam = Solanum sanitwongsei L.

Terong susu = Solanum mammosum L.

Terong teter = Solanum verbacifolium set.w

Terong = Solanum melongena L.

Terri = Thymus vulgaris L.

Tikusan = Clausena excavata burm.f.

timunan = Leptochloa chinensis

Timun-timunan = Trichosanthes cucumeroides maxim

tinloy = Chrysopogon orientalis

Tolod = Isotoma longiflora (L.presl

townsville stylo = Stylosanthes humilis

Trembesi = Pithecolobium saman benth

Trengguli = Cassia fistula L.

'tulip' = Gnetum costatum

turi rawa = Aeschynomene falcata

Turi = Sesbania grandiflora pers

Ubi kates = Ipomoea cairica (L.sweet

Ubi singkong = Manihot utillissima pohl

Umyung = Gynura aurantiaca o c

Uwi = Dioscorea alata L.

Uyah-uyahan = Ficus quersifolia roxb

uyung = Schefflera octophylla (lour.harms

Valerian = Valeriana officinalis L.

Verbaskum = Verbacum thapsus L.

vigna menjalar = Vigna parkeri

Viola = Viola hirta L.

Viola = Viola odorata L.

Waluh = Cucurbita moschata durch

wampi' = Clausena lansium

Waron = Abelmoschus moschatus medik

Waru gombong = Hibiscus similis bl

Waru lengis = Hibiscus tiliaceus L.

Wedahan = Dichrocephala auriculata (thunb.druce

Weru = Albizzia procera (roxb.benth

Wewehan = Monochoria vaginalis (burm.f.presi

Widosari = Ipomoea digitata L.

Wijaya kusuma = Hylocreus undatus (haw.) rose

Wijen = Sesamum indicum L.

Wora-wari gantung. = Hibiscus schizopetalus (mast.)Hook.f

Wortel = Daucus carota L.

Wuluhan = Panicum palmifouum willd

Zebrina = Zebrina pandula schnizl

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